Deccan disturbances / social Boycott movement of Deccan Ryots- 1875

Region: Poona and Ahmednagar, Maharashtra


  • Despite Ryotwari system high revenue collection and Ryots – trapped in debts and losing land to moneylenders
  • Recent events aggravated situation of Cotton Crops:
    1. End of American civil war and crash of cotton prices
    2. Increased in land revenue by govt.
    3. Successive Bad harvests
  • Tension among peasants and moneylenders grew – latter considered as cause of misery


  1. Social boycott of moneylenders
  2. When ineffective – attacks on houses and shops and destruction of debt related documents
  3. National intelligentsia of Maharashtra supported
  4. Poona Sarvajanik Society – Justice Ranade – earlier organised peasants
  5. Remained almost non-violent
  6. No anti-British elements


  1. Govt. suppressed the agrarian riot
  2. Govt. brought Deccan agriculturists Relief Act, 1879 (D A R Act)

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